John Douillard’s Biography
Dr. John Douillard, DC, CAP, is a globally recognized leader in the fields of natural health, Ayurveda, and sports medicine. He is the creator of, the leading Ayurvedic health and wellness resource on the web. is evolving the way Ayurveda is understood around the world, with over 500 articles and videos proving ancient wisdom with modern science. Dr. John is the former Director of Player Development for the New Jersey Nets NBA team, author of 6 books, a repeat guest on the Dr. Oz show, and featured in Woman’s World Magazine, Huffington Post, Yoga Journal and dozens of other publications. He directs LifeSpa, the 2014 Holistic Wellness Center of the year in Boulder, CO. Dr. John Douillard D.C. Full Bio & CV
It is my mission to help us transition from a culture of expensive and complex health care to a culture that seeks optimal health through natural mind-body medicine, leaving us more self-sufficient, rather than dependent on a medical system or a pill.~ Dr. John Douillard, D.C.
News Coverage
Dr. John does interviews regularly for magazines, newspapers, and blogs. Please email to request an interview. Browse Dr. John’s recent published interviews and articles.
Videos of Dr. John Speaking
Contact Info
Request Dr. John for a speaking engagement or interview
Please email to request Dr. John for a speaking engagement, radio interview, podcast, interview for an article, etc. If you have a specific request for a class that you would like John to teach, please request it and we’ll see what we can do.
Honorarium for speaking engagements*
Location | Saturday/Sunday (All Day or Partial Day) |
Monday-Friday (All Day) |
Monday-Friday (Afternoon) |
Instate (Colorado) | $2500 per day | $3000 per day | $900 per afternoon |
Out of State | $2500 per day | $3000 per day | $3000 per afternoon |
International | $3500 per day | $4500 per day | $4500 per afternoon |
*rates subject to change
Speaking Topics – Beyond Gluten
Hidden Deficiencies that Undermine Perfect Health
According to Ayurveda, it is the combination of stress, denatured foods, poor digestion and compromised detox channels that cause disease and early aging. Recent studies have linked these factors to health risks that affect more than half of the American population. Are you one of them?Have you changed your diet to accommodate your digestion in the last ten years? Are there foods that you don’t digest well like wheat, dairy or fats? Are you exhausted, can’t sleep, moody or carrying extra weight? If you answered yes to any of these you may be at risk!
Treat the 90 percent – your bugs
Recent research shows that only 10 percent of the cells in the human body are “human,” the other 90% are microbial cells that predominate in the digestive tract. Here, they govern the production of the vast majority of the body’s serotonin and other mood-related neurotransmitters, as well as eighty percent of the body’s immunity. To enjoy a stable mind, robust immune health and optimal overall health, we have to become good microbial farmers of the digestive system. As a baseline for optimal health we must all know how to troubleshoot, balance, fix and repair these ministers of the digestive system. Ninety percent of your body’s cells depend on it!
Ayurveda and Weight Loss: A Permanent Solution to Weight Gain, Cravings, and Emotional Eating
Ayurveda has been used to treat stress as the cause of disease for at least 5,000 years. To permanently control your mood and weight, you must convince your cells that you aren’t in the midst of an emergency. When under stress, our bodies store fat. The most dangerous cancer-causing toxins are fat soluble”and can be stored in your fat cells for up to 20 years. In the name of survival, stress also produces molecules of emotion that are stored in the fat cells where they make you repeatedly act out the same behaviors and eat the same comfort foods.
Learn simple and profound Ayurvedic tools, including diet, detox, exercise, yoga, and herbal supports, to help restore optimal health along with mental, emotional, and physical balance. To release toxic chemicals and emotions from your cells, you must reset your ability to burn stored fat as a major source of fuel. Once this is accomplished, you will finish your day with the same energy you started with, experience no cravings, sleep better, and balance anxiety and depression”in just two short weeks.
Release Toxic Molecules of Emotion and Desires through Perfecting Digestion
In Ayurveda, it is understood that mental ama, or toxic molecules of emotion, are stored in the muscle and fat cells. These toxic emotions, created by our minds as children to be safe and secure, which are fed and nourished by certain foods, remotely make us repeat those same patterns of toxic behavior as adults. As stress receptors line the intestinal tract, excess stress and toxic foods directly compromise digestion, assimilation and detoxification pathways that are necessary for optimal health and the transformation of emotional patterns and spiritual growth.
Balance Weight and Mood through Optimal Digestion
Learn how to troubleshoot hidden imbalances in digestion that may be responsible for chronic ailments, such as weight gain, fatigue, anxiety, depression and more. Recent research has confirmed an ancient Ayurvedic premise that stress is the cause of disease and that 95% of the body’s serotonin, along with other neurotransmitters, are manufactured and stored in the gut. The brain has only 5% of the body’s serotonin at one time. You can heal your mind and your body by healing your gut!
Healing the Cause of Anxiety and Depression with Ayurveda
Your innate nature is to be joyful and loving for no reason. Learn how to make this your reality on an Ayurvedic journey that explores ways of healing anxiety and depression. John Douillard believes you have spent a lifetime creating relationships that are just waiting to free you from emotional pain. In this workshop, he helps you find and use those relationships to treat the causes of depression and anxiety.
- Learn the fundamentals of Ayurvedic Psychology and Vedic Self Inquiry
- Discover Ayurvedic techniques designed to unravel physical imbalances caused by emotional trauma
- Free your mind by learning how to love and accept the people around you fully, including your spouse, partner, family members, boss, etc.
- Discover the best herbs, diet, daily routines, exercise, yoga practices, and breathing techniques to release negative emotions
- Let’s make your sensitivity your most powerful asset!
A recent preliminary study on the 3-Season Diet showed that a balanced lifestyle can significantly impact anxiety, depression, cravings, fatigue, insomnia, and weight gain in just two weeks. Get inspired to make small changes that will create a big difference.